[Mohamed Dali]
HENGE Cosmic Dross | Madchester/UK
+ CLOUD EMPIRE folk ambiant indian world | Lille

Wednesday 20 November 2019 / 20h30 by Mohamed Dali
en prévente : 6,6€ tarif unique | sur place : 8€ plein / 6€ réduit * info/tickets : anthony.nunez.rockinbourlon@gmail.com

HENGE (Cosmic Dross | Madchester/UK)

"Attention Earth!
This is Henge.
We come in the name of rave.We bring you the gift of Cosmic Dross - a kind of music new to your world.
We have news. Planet Earth is an experiment.Your species was sent codes from space, to help you love and dance.
But your leaders grew scared. They hid the codes from you. Now your consciousness shrinks and they destroy your world with weapons of war.Ravelings of Earth, rebel! Absorb the mutated frequencies of Cosmic Dross. There are no Earth words to describe these sounds. But you will learn how to love and dance again.
This is your future. Put down the weapons. Unite. And colonise space."

CLOUD EMPIRE (folk ambiant indian world | Lille)
Cloud Empire est un duo électro-acoustique composé d’un joueur de sitar indien, Arnaud Eurin et d’un guitariste chanteur, Andrew Martin.
Prenez une tasse de thé (ou un verre de vin) avec cloud empire, au bord d’un précipice. Vous verrez l’un qui scrute l’abîme pendant que l’autre contemple les astres. Entre deux, les oiseaux s’envolent et les nuages chantent leur musique.


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